Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | menu OCR: Costs and Benefits of Recruitment Techniques COST TIME REQUIRED EFFECTIVENESS DOMAIN DEPTH OF CONTACT ON-CAMPUS Local: Low. Some Local: One day per Very effective. Face-to- One school, although Good back and forth. RECRUITING schools assess a school for paperwork face interviews give you you'll only have time for -You'll know who to call lee to cover costs. and so forth. One to a feel for each candi- about six to eight inter- back and who to cross Remote: High, Travel three interview days. date. Also there's a con- views per day during off your list after a quiet expenses to and from Remote: Same but add frolled atmosphere and the initial hours hour of interviewing. schools can add up. travel time. a structured schedule. ADS IN CAMPUS Low. Schach paper ad Low, Use your logo and Effective with on- Ore school This is one-way NEWSPAPERS Frates are reasonable. brief description. campus recruiting communication. JOB HUNTING Low to Medium: Low. You fill out an Effective for soliciting Depends on the service. This is one-way WEB SITES online form. résumés. communication. JOB FAIRS Medium to High. Medium. Concentrate Effective for initial Regional, although dediim, It's often noisy Renting booth space on Incal fairs. Shows screening .Usually tos there may only be a few and crowded. However, and furniture, plus usually rua one to hectic for quality time. students depending on you can make good cont transportation. two days. the fair facts sometimes. COMPANY Low. Allow time for get- Not effective for solicit- Worldwide. This is one way WEB SITE ting your pages on the ing a lot of résumés communication server and updating but it can hurt if you're them afterward. not up. ADS IN TRADE Wide range, depending LowY. Use your logo and Not effective for National. This is one-way JOURNALS on the magazine. a brief description. students. communication. INTERNSHIP Medium, You'll want to High. Advertising the Extremely effective Not applicable Best. You'll get to know offer a modest (not internship, screening. You Ii interact often, the person very well. burger-flipping hiring, and training and you'll find out if hourly wage. take time. they have what it takes.